Saturday, January 22, 2011

Daniel: Day 11

"...but the people who know their God will display strength and take action." Daniel 11:32b

An Angel was telling Daniel all of the things that were about to happen. Persia was going to reach its climax and then be broken into pieces. Those pieces would then begin to feud and fight each other. This verse is talking about a king who lashes out at the Jews and destroys their sanctuaries and does away with their sacrifices (their only method of redemption at that time). But the Jews would rise up and take action.

I don't remember exactly how the quote goes but this verse reminded me of it. The quote talks about how evil runs rampant because good people just didn't do anything. But what does this mean for us today - to display strength and take action? Honestly, I'll have to think on it for a bit. But, it hits home. I have so many thoughts about the things I'dlike to do in my life but can't seem to find the time or the energy. I've had dreams of ministry for years (since I was 16 or 17) but I just haven't taken the steps necessary to accomplish them. But even more simply than that - this can apply to my day-to-day in how I act or react to people. How many times have I been involved in conversations or just been a bystander to conversations that lead away from God or Godly principles. Most of the time it is while I'm at work and I feel like I don't have any place to say anything because it would be inappropriate or something. Hmm...

Lord, I love You and praise You. Father, I ask for wisdom and discernment and I ask that You would help me understand what it is that You are trying to say to me. Help me define what's in my heart with words my mind can understand. Father, I pray for a deeper relationship with You. I pray for anyone reading this, that You would draw them closer to You as well and that You would bless them and touch them in their lives in just the way that they need You to. Thank You, Lord, for grace and mercy. In Your awesome Name I pray. Amen.

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