Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Shark Petition: Widget | Project AWARE

Shark Petition

Hey, guys. So, as a scuba diver and a surfer, I've always felt a responsibility for taking care of our marine resources. Just in case anyone is unaware, the ocean is probably the biggest balancing factor in our global ecosystem. The ocean determines to a very large degree the global temperatures of the surface of the Earth. That's just one example of many. People all over the globe still rely almost solely on the ocean for sustenance.

So, what does any of that have to do with sharks and protecting sharks? Well, the treatment of sharks is an indication of how we treat the rest of the ocean. In Japan, where shark finning is common, sharks are treated with less dignity than most people would treat their most hated nemesis (I just got done watching, I apologize for the theatrical vocabulary here).

So, here is a little note from Project AWARE:

"You can join tens of thousands of AWARE divers and shark advocates who are serious about shark protection. Sign the petition and urge your friends and colleagues to do the same.

"Shark populations are devastated by over-exploitation, including targeted fishing, by catch and finning. Together, we’re gaining the attention of policymakers worldwide. We’re closing loopholes in existing global shark management policies and insisting on full protections for Endangered and Critically Endangered sharks."

Some statistics from the above-mentioned organization:

"Each year, tens of millions of sharks are killed by Earth's most dangerous predators - humans. Too many of them fall victim to the cruel and wasteful practice of shark finning - the act of removing shark fins and discarding the often still alive shark overboard. As Asian demand for fins remains strong, markets for shark meat are growing, helping to push shark species to the brink.

"According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) analyses, all shark species proposed at the meeting met the criteria for listing under CITES Appendix II. Such listing requires that trade is controlled in order to avoid use that threatens the species' survival. Despite the depletion of sharks worldwide, restrictions on international trade are in place for only three shark species - whale shark, great white shark and basking shark."

So, if you do feel that this is a worthy cause in the least, then please go ahead and sign the petition by clicking on the link I've provided at the top and once again here: Shark Petition: Widget | Project AWARE

Take care and God bless!

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