Friday, January 14, 2011

Daniel: Day 5


"God has numbered your kingdom. You have been weighed on the scales and found deficient. Your kingdom has been divided and given over to the Medes and Persians."

In Daniel 5, the son of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, had been the king for over 20 years. And one day he had a party with his wives, concubines, etc. and he used the gold vessels from the temple of God to fill with wine and general blasphemary. Then, out of nowhere, God showed His hand out of thin air and His hand wrote the above words on a wall in front of the king. So, Belshazzar sent for all of his wise men (to finally include Daniel after all the others failed) and Daniel interpreted the writing (above). That very night, Belshazzar was murdered and Darius the Mede became the king.

There are certain statements in the Bible that make me react by saying, "I would love to hear God say this about or to me." This isn't one of those statements. Reading this makes me A) Grateful for Jesus and the forgiveness and mercy we find in His sacrifice, and B) Ask myself what I can do to, instead of hearing God tell me what He told Belshazzar, hear God say "Well done good and faithful servant." The application for today is to just keep on pressing in. Keep your eyes on God and He will say well done.

Lord I love You and praise You. Thank You for Jesus. Thank You for Your sacrifice. I continue to pray for wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. I also continue to pray and ask for a closer relationship with You. I pray these things also for anyone who may be reading this. In the name of Jesus I pray all things. Amen.

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