Sunday, November 23, 2008

How Much Did Mary Know?

I heard a song on the radio this morning on my way to work that asked the question: “Mary did you know…?” Did she know that Jesus would walk on water, make the blind see, or do any of the other miracles that He did? And the end of the song asked if Mary knew that the baby she would deliver would soon deliver her [from sin and death]. This isn’t the first time I had heard this song, it was just the first time the song made me ask myself, “What did Mary know about Jesus before He was born?” 

So, here is a list of what the Bible says Mary and Joseph were told about Jesus…here is what they did know for sure:

  1.            Mathew 1:20-23

a.       Joseph knew that Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and that He “will save His people from their sins.” – So, Joseph knew He would be the Savior

b.      Joseph was told Jesus’ birth was to fulfill the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 of a virgin giving birth and calling Him “God is with us” or “Immanuel”

  1.          Luke 1:28-38

a.       Mary was told she would give birth to a Son (with a capitol “S” in my Bible – NKJV), and what to name Him: Jesus (v.31)

b.      She was told He would be “great”, and that He’d be called the “Son of God”. (v. 32)

c.       She was told that Jesus would inherit David’s throne and His rule would last forever – So, Mary knew He was to be King (v. 32-33)

d.      She was told that it was God who did this with/to/through her (v. 35)

e.      Mary knew that Jesus was/is the “Holy One” and “Son of God” (v. 35)

So it is apparent that Mary and Joseph knew that Jesus was God’s Son and not theirs, and that He was to save “His people” from sin, and that He was to be King. But, it is not apparent that they knew how He would save His people from sin, or of the miracles He would perform.


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