John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.”
So, I read the study note (because I have always loved this verse in the Bible. It rings in my mind like music in my ears) and the study note says that based on the context of the word “with” in the original language this verse was written in, this verse indicates a “face-to-face relationship”. Meaning the Word was equal to God and personified.
[And here it is…drumroll, please….] The Word is a Person
So I looked up the cross-referenced verses:
1. Col. 1:17 – “And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.”
a. “He” refers to Jesus
b. Note that this is written in the present but refers to the past… He is before all things
2. 1 John 1:1-2 – “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have handled, concerning the Word of life – the life was [here is a sort of definition of what the “Word of life was/is] manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us”
a. So this is another reference to the Word as a proper noun – as a person
b. 1 John 1:1-4 study note – “…these verses emphasize the personal experience of the apostles with the incarnate Word. – [underlines and emphasis added by me in all cases]
c. So, a personal experience; the incarnate Word – the Word is a Person and in context here, also refers to Jesus
3. John 1:14 – “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
a. In the proper context of the original language, you can replace the word “became” before flesh with the phrase “took on”.
b. The Person (or Being) of the Word (which, by the way is full of grace and truth) took to Himself physical flesh and became human in appearance – so, His regular/normal/natural appearance, if you will, is not that of a human?
4. Rev. 19:13 – “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called ‘The Word of God’. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.”
a. [side note: notice how heaven is never a proper noun in the Bible…is heaven really a place?]
b. He = Jesus = The Word of God = God
c. And who, but a King or Prince, do armies follow on horse-back as like in this image?
I heard a song on the radio this morning on my way to work that asked the question: “Mary did you know…?” Did she know that Jesus would walk on water, make the blind see, or do any of the other miracles that He did? And the end of the song asked if Mary knew that the baby she would deliver would soon deliver her [from sin and death]. This isn’t the first time I had heard this song, it was just the first time the song made me ask myself, “What did Mary know about Jesus before He was born?”
So, here is a list of what the Bible says Mary and Joseph were told about Jesus…here is what they did know for sure:
a. Joseph knew that Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and that He “will save His people from their sins.” – So, Joseph knew He would be the Savior
b. Joseph was told Jesus’ birth was to fulfill the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 of a virgin giving birth and calling Him “God is with us” or “Immanuel”
a. Mary was told she would give birth to a Son (with a capitol “S” in my Bible – NKJV), and what to name Him: Jesus (v.31)
b. She was told He would be “great”, and that He’d be called the “Son of God”. (v. 32)
c. She was told that Jesus would inherit David’s throne and His rule would last forever – So, Mary knew He was to be King (v. 32-33)
d. She was told that it was God who did this with/to/through her (v. 35)
e. Mary knew that Jesus was/is the “Holy One” and “Son of God” (v. 35)
I got the following from a website my mom sent me: The Web Urbanist
"Finally, some sinks that aim to prove that electronic technology has a place next to running water. The dazzling and ambitious Brandt Aion is a garden that washes your dishes. Open it up and use the cooking and draining surfaces, and when you are ready, shut it down and an automatic dish washing cycle will start (digitally indicated on the front of the unit), using vegetable soap that is created by the plants in the lid. Meanwhile, those same plants help scrub the air in your kitchen. Truly ahead of its time."
image via: Antoine LeBrun)
The Globetrotter
"Can you imagine driving a ultra-lightweight, solar-powered plastic car? If designer Harsha Ravi has his way, the lean, green Globetrotter car will be the future of transportation. Winning him the coveted Young Designer of the Year Award, Ravi’s car design for 2017 is independent of fossil fuels, packed with eco-friendly technologies, and cuts back the weight and bulk of today’s gas guzzlers. His design employs a carbon-neutral, bioplastic body that is 12% petroleum-based and 88% corn-based, which cuts manufacturing energy by 30%. And there’s more: a zinc-air fuel cell, a nano-paper battery, airless tires, nanopaints to absorb solar energy while parked to charge its batteries, and woven seat material. The Globetrotter is, indeed, the ultimate “tread lightly” automobile for the environment-savvy consumer." - Inhabit.com